We wanted to share a few kind words from a homeowner we received about our Director of Customer Installs, Tracie Deane.
“I hope you know how exceptional your employee, Tracie Deane is. We believe you should call her in your office and say to her, in the words of Ebeneezer Scrooge when at the end of the story, he said, “Cratchett! I’m going to – – – double your salary.”
The exuberant homeowner further stated…
“She shepherded our installation from marking through trenching as smoothly as if she had been here in person…. She deals with people like us, who are obviously frustrated, with humor and wit and a huge laugh and then Gets Things Done. People like that are rare…. That kind of competence and attitude could be contagious throughout a corporation. Thank you and thank Tracie.”
We’ll done Tracie! We always appreciate your efforts to define true customer service! #wevegotthis